Thursday, January 23, 2014

We the people


Why we the people, are so much divided on the basis of political party? If somebody from one party whom we don't follow, do something good, we would like to sit tight and not prefer to clap. But if somebody from that party does something wrong, we will start criticizing him to any extent. We do the same thing from a party which we support. We don't criticize the leaders for doing wrong, implementing wrong policies and try to defend him, but he does something small and do market that piece well, we follow him to spread that piece of work as if that is world's 8th wonder. 

 We the people, have so much power in the democracy. Why have we become follower of one party or one philosophy? For example, as a right wing follower one must oppose BJP's FDI policy. BJP has changed their stand on FDI just to oppose Congress. One must oppose the inclusion of people like Yedurappa in BJP. But we the people who follow BJP just want to follow what the leadership of this party says, not the actual philosophy of the party or not what one think is good for country. As a follower of AAP, one should protest the kind of drama they have done in name of protest against police. They should oppose the method of madness followed by the leadership of the party, unruly and unlawful behavior. 

We the people must not be follower of one particular party or leader. We the people are sentinel of democracy and judging these politicians and parties all the time and send them right signals. We don’t need to promote a particular political party but we should be promoting the idea of India. The true democracy relies on how vibrant and dynamic we, the people are.

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