Sunday, May 11, 2014

ये चुनावी खेल है !!

ये चुनाव का बड़ा रोमांचक हो रहा  खेल है,
राजनीति के टी २० में यहाँ बहुत से क्रिस गेल हैं|
सब बड़े नेतायों में जहाँ हो रहा हेड और  टेल है,
तो  छुटभैया नेतायों का भी हो गया मेलामेल है|
हर आदमी के वोट की लग गयी यहाँ सेल है,
कहीं किसी की जात तो कहीं धरम का मेल है|
चुनाव आयोग की जो थोड़ी बहुत नकेल है,
वरना हर नेता के पास पैसा और बाहुबल है|
मीडिया तो इन नेताओं की बन गयी टेल है,
इनकी वो खबर लगती ज्यादा चाट और भेल है|
वायदों को लेकर ये नेता अब तक  फ़ैल हैं,
जनता ने लगायी फिर से आशायों की रेल है|
भैया, ये तो चुनावी तमाशा देखने का खेल है,
बजाओ ताली नेता के लिए और बोलो आल इस वेल है !!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

पैसे ये पैसे

ये कैसे कैसे हैं पैसे,
     समझना बड़ा मुश्किल है वैसे।
 रुपया, डॉलर और यूरो,
          सभी कहलाते हैं क्यों ये पैसे।
कभी चेक में, तो कभी ड्राफ्ट में,
  कभी एटीएम कार्ड में होते हैं ये पैसे।
सफ़ेद भी होते हैं ये पैसे,
     तो कभी काले हो जाते हैं पैसे।
मेहनते के होते हैं वैसे,
  पर रिश्वत में भी मिलते हैं पैसे।

क्या क्या कराते हैं पैसे,
    समझना बड़ा मुश्किल है वैसे।
लगे रहते हैं सब  गधे के जैसे,
          करते रहते हैं बस पैसे पैसे।
अच्छे काम भी कराते हैं बहुत से,
       तो बुरे में और मिल जाते हैं पैसे।
कितना भी जोड़ लो वो पैसे,
      कम क्यों पड़ जाते हैं ये वैसे।
पीछे लगे रहते हैं सब इसके जैसे तैसे,
        कहीं कम ना पड़ जाएँ वो पैसे।

क्यों चाहिए इतने सारे  पैसे,
    समझना बड़ा मुश्किल है वैसे।
खुशियां ही चाहिए जिंदगी में वैसे,
    तो नहीं चाहिए बहुत से पैसे।
 न सोचो कि बनाये इनको कैसे कैसे,
    जिंदगी से बढ़कर नहीं हैं ये पैसे।
गर काम करोगे कुछ अच्छा जैसे,
   मिलेगा सब कुछ, भले कम हो पैसे। 
ऐसे ही हैं भाई ये पैसे,
   समझना बड़ा मुश्किल है वैसे।

Sunday, March 30, 2014

एक गुस्ताखी !

एक गुस्ताखी माफ़ कर मौला,पर इतनी तकदीर दिला दे,
जन्नत न मिले तो एक प्यारा सा जहान दिखा दे |

सूरज का प्रकाश न सही, चिरागों की रोशनी फैला दे,
कम से कम इस अंधेरे में कुछ उजाला तो करा दे|

प्यार न मिले तो सही पर वो नफ़रत तो मिटा दे,
अपने परायो के भेद की जगह सबके दिल वो मिला दे|

सबको अमीर न बना सके पर वो गरीबी मिटा दे,
हर इंसान, हर काम को एक सी इज्जत दिला दे|

जब दवा न दे सके तो कमसकम वो दारू पिला दे,
इस जखम का मर्ज न सही,  तो दर्द ही मिटा दे|

उन सितारों की जगह हो सके तो कुछ जुगनू दिला दे,
अँधेरी रात में मेरे आँगन को ऐसे ही झिलमिला दे|

कोई फ़रिश्ता न सही तो एक अच्छा इंसान बना दे,
खुदाई न सही तो कम से कम इंसानियत सिखा दे|

Saturday, March 15, 2014

यह कैसी हवा है, यह कैसी लहर है !!

यह कैसी हवा है, यह  कैसी लहर है,
कर्णाटक को फिर देखना येदुरप्पा का कहर है|
जिस मोदी की चर्चा हर गाँव शहर है, 
उन की सीट को लेकर ही पार्टी में गदर है|
जिनके लिए  परिवारवाद  एक जहर है,
पासवान पिता-पुत्र उनके हमसफ़र है|

यह कैसी हवा है, यह  कैसी लहर है, 
UP और बिहार में जातियों पे नज़र है|
जो राष्ट्रवाद के साथ कहते हर पहर है,  
राज ठाकरे से मिल जाने की खबर है|
हर एक वोट की होड़ इस कदर है,
पानी की तरह पैसा  लगा इधर है|

भैया, ये तो सब  चुनावी समर है,
मुद्दे और निति की बात अब किधर है|
चुनावी टिकड़म बाजी की डगर है,
इनकी मंजिल एक दिल्ली शहर है|
यह ऐसी हवा है, यह चुनावी लहर है,
यह ऐसी हवा है, यह चुनावी लहर है||

Saturday, March 8, 2014

What about voting rights of NRI ?

Voting right is a fundamental right of a citizen of any democratic country. Theoretically, every NRI has a right to vote, but practically none of the over 25 million NRIs actually participate in voting due to outdated laws of India. Unfortunately, there was no provision of NRIs to register as a voter till 2010. Though, NRIs were given voting rights in 2010 through an amendment in the Representation of People Act, 1951, but a majority of NRIs are unable to vote as they have to travel all the way to India to exercise their voting right.

Currently, as the law is defined, people have to vote in person in their constituencies except government official and Army personnel, who can use postal ballots. This regulation is seen as restrictive as only 10-15 thousands Indians living around the world have registered as voters, the maximum being from Kerala. Only 10-15% of those registered voter actually did vote in any election so far .In today's global world where people around the world travel for work, pleasure and family commitment, Indian Government law is still medieval as far as casting the vote is concerned.

The govt is ignoring a section of the Indian citizen and denying them their fundamental rights due to policy paralysis and lack of decision making. The same Govt. and political parties have been trying hard to attract the NRIs and people of Indian origin around the world to invest and do something in India. But there is no reciprocating mechanism to provide them a fundamental right, which is practically denied because of lack of Govt initiative. The political parties specially like BJP and AAP get lots of funding from NRIs, but there is no political will across political spectrum to do something about this issue.

This a shame for NRIs to not to be able to raise this issue significantly. There are large NRI communities which are supporting different political parties and provide them funding too. Almost all the NRIs have their view about India whether it is about how to eradicate the corruption or it is about development of India. Most vocal voices across the internet can be head from NRIs on  this General Election but unfortunately none of those voices are going to convert in the vote.

There are three options to achieve NRI voting, first postal ballot for registered NRI voter, second is online voting and third is voting at Indian consulate in the foreign countries. This needs amendments to Representation of Peoples Act to have a provision for "Absentee voting facility" for Indians living abroad. BJP has been the only party which is raising the issue of NRI voter right largely because of very significant support to the party from NRI community.  Election commission has been trying to implement this but it doesn't look like that it can be done for this General Election.

Most democratic countries like US, UK and other European countries provide the voting rights to their citizen living outside the country. India which is not only a largest democracy in the world but also have second largest diaspora around the world, should have done something more concrete towards the democratic rights of their 25 million citizens living abroad. I hope that better sense prevails and new Govt will do the same soon.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

72 days to go..

Today, the dates of the General Election of world's largest democracy has been announced. We have 72 days to see the change in Government. This happens on a day when we witnessed mobocracy of 2 parties who are claiming themselves against incumbent Congress. There are few obvious in this election and some unpredicted questions:

Few obvious things which are going to happen:

1. Congress is going to lose the election and perhaps reaches to lowest ever tally.
2. BJP will be single largest party and NDA will be largest alliance.

Unpredicted Questions which may come up after election results:

1. Can BJP keep up the momentum and march towards half marks with their alliances and make Modi PM?
2. Is AAP going to hurt BJP's chances in urban center?
3. Is there a possibility of third front Govt with the support of Congress?
4. Who will be BJP's PM candidate if they don't get number or they can gather other party's support for Modi?
5. Who will be the next Devegoda or Gujral in case third front makes the government?

Watch it out .. First time we are seeing the awareness among people for change and they are here at least to support and vote for somebody. Whether it is an idealistic vote for AAP or realistic vote for BJP!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

चाय वाला

चाय के नाम पे राजनीति में उफान से देश में आम चाय वाले के उत्साह और अचम्भे को कुछ पंक्तियों में पेश किया है ....

आला रे आला  'चाय वाला' आला,
   उनके आने से देश का हालत है सुधरने वाला,
वो आये है तो सूरज का उजाला होने वाला,
      वरना  यहाँ  तो  सब  था  काला  काला ।

पर हैरान परेशां है वो बाजू का चाय वाला,
      ये नेता  चाय का स्टाल क्यों खोलने वाला,
क्यों कल तक कोई नहीं था पूछने वाला,
       क्यों सब पुकारे आज चाय वाला, चाय वाला।

ऐसा क्या कर दिया मैंने, पूछा चाय वाला,
        जो नहीं कर पाया वो भैया बाजू वाला।
न कर पाये वो सुबह शाम का दूध वाला,
       न वो रद्दी, सब्जी, पान या  झाड़ू वाला।

हमने बोला, तेरी किस्मंत का खुल गया है ताला,
       इस चाय ने तुमको है विशेष बना डाला।
तुम जैसा एक नेता जो मिलने वाला,
    जिससे देश का चहमुखी विकास होने वाला।

इसमें हमे भी कुछ फायदा होने वाला,
    इसका जवाब है एक सच कड़वा वाला  ।
गरीबी को सबने चुनाव का एक खेल बना डाला,
      ऐसा ही  हैं  ये नेता राजनीति   वाला।
चाहे फिर वो हो  ये  पहले पार्टी वाला,
      या हो वो  दूसरा  और  तीसरा  पाला।

सुन ले पते की बात भाई चाय वाला,
      चुनाव का गणित  है ये  बहुत काला।
ये चाय की दुकान है नेतागिरी की शाला,
   तेरी गरीबी का उपाय कोई नहीं ढूँढने वाला।

बेरोजगारी का तो कुछ नहीं  होने वाला,
      और  न  रुकने  वाला कोई  घोटाला।
असली मुद्दो की जगह आम राय से,
    सबने तुमको ढूंढ लिया है 'चाय वाला'।।

Friday, February 14, 2014

हम तुम

Few lines in Hindi for my beloved wife  ...

मेरी साँसों में तुम, मेरी जिंदगी हो तुम,
अगर साथ न तेरा,तो जी न पाएंगे हम।  
मेरी नज़रों में तुम, मेरा दीदार हो तुम,
तुम न हो तो कुछ न देख पाएंगे हम।
मेरे जश्न में तुम, मेरी ख़ुशी हो तुम,
साथ हो तुम, तो भूल जायेंगे हर गम।
मेरी हंसी में तुम, मेरी मुस्कान हो तुम,
तुम न होते तो मुस्करा न पाते इस जनम।
मेरी प्रेरणा में तुम, मेरी शक्ति हो तुम,
ये जो साथ है तेरा, तो जिन्दगी में कुछ नहीं है कम।
मेरे प्यार में तुम, मेरी मोहब्बत हो तुम,
इस इश्क़ में हो गए हैं तेरे आशिक़  सनम।
मेरी शायरी में तुम, मेरी कविता हो तुम,
तुम ही हो सब कुछ, बिन तेरे कुछ भी नहीं हम।

Saturday, February 8, 2014

How did Congress transform into dynastic party !!!

Last week when we witnessed first interview of Rahul Gandhi, I started thinking about Congress party and when this party became a symbol of dynastic politics from once upon a time a democratic outfit. Why is there no other leader who can challenge the Gandhis, why is there no ambition for top post from any other congressman and why is there no value for merit and talent based leadership on top in Congress?  I tried to capture this transformation of Congress Party and inner party power equation from Independence till now.

Nehru and Patel Era:
Congress was a symbol of democracy and the party fought the struggle for independence. The inner part democracy was very much part of this organization and evident when Nehru became Prime Minister in 1947. Sardar Patel, Subash Chandra Bose and Mahatam Gandhi all were elected President by voting before Independence. There were lots of talented leaders and there were ambitions and ideological differences among them when India became independent.

Shahtri & Syndicates:
After Nehru's death in 1964, There was a power struggle among Lal Bahudar Shashtri, Morarji Desai and Indira Gandhi. Then Party president K Kamraaj made Lal Bahadur Shastri Prime Minister based on majority view within Congress.When Indira Gandhi became Prime Minister for first time, there was again a political contest between her and Morarji Desai. As most of the congressmen were against Morarji Desai so she could become Prime Minister. Till here, I would say that Congress was very much democratic and at some extent had merit based leadership.

Indira Gandhi & emergence of one power center :
In 1969 when Indira Gandhi had given order for nationalization of banks and most of the powerful congressmen of Syndicate were not in favor of that decision. Congress was divided in Congress(S) and Congress(I). The name, Indira Congress indicates that the party was driven and captured by one person, Indira Gandhi. Indira Gandhi had become very popular at that time because of her populist work. She won the Election and Syndicates were lost heavily. This was a beginning of one Power center in Congress. There was a slogan that time which justifies the whole theory "Indira is India and India is Indira".

Gandhi Family & sycophant :
When Indira Gandhi imposed Emergency in 1975, we can follow the history of emergency and find out how did this family start ruling the country. Sanjay Gandhi took lots of decision during Emergency and the Gandhi Family had become the ruling family of this country during the time. Sanjay Gandhi was killed in 1980 but Indira tried to bring his elder son Rajiv into politics. We can get to know how much desperate Indira Gandhi was to continue her dynasty from Menka Gandhi' one interview. In that interview Menka said, "Because Indira wanted her son to be heir of her power ,so I had to go from that house."

When we are focusing on the Indira Gandhi and family during this time, there were some inspiration within congress cadre to become Prime Minister. Pranav Mukhraji, Arjun Singh and VP Singh were among some powerful congressmen who were having their eyes on Prime Minister's seat.  Gandhi family was surrounded by their well wisher and sycophant leaders and they always made sure that nobody can challenge the Gandhis.

Rajiv Gandhi and symptoms of dynastic rule:
When Indira died in 1984  and Congress decided to make Rajiv Gandhi Prime Minister, It was in pathway to become dynastic party. The murder of Indira brought lots of sympathy to family which helped the family to get the public sympathy. But, There were dissenter within congress ranks. Paranb Mukharjee wanted to become Prime Minister but was sidelined and later thrown out of Congress.
Rajiv had seen lots of resistance from his ministers to keep power withing himself and his circle. Arun Singh and VP Singh made it very difficult for Rajiv Gandhi to become one and only power center of Congress party. VP Singh not only resigned from cabinet and Party but later became Prime Minister. We had been witnessing the symptoms of dynastic rule but there was lots of struggle within the party's ambitious leaders which Indira and Rajiv had to face so far.

Non Gandhi Era & failure of other leaders:
In 1991 after Rajiv Gandhi's death, congress leader wanted Sonia to become Prime Minister and take advantage of situation based on emotional support of people to Gandhi family. She refused to become Prime Minster. Narsimha Rao was the only Congress leader lately who was able to keep power well without blessings of Gandhis. Though, he had power struggle with ND Tiwari and Arjun Singh suring that and in 1994 both of these leaders decided to leave Congress to counter Narsimha Rao.
In 1996, Narsimha Rao lost election and Sita Ram Yeturi was elected ahead of Shard Pawar and Rajesh Pilot.Ironically, this is time when other congress leaders had an opportunity to lead the party, misdeed of congress top leadership made all the way for Gandhi Family to come back into power.

Sonia Gandhi & emergence of Full dynasty rule:
In 1999 Sita Ram Teturi was stripped off the power. Sonia Gandhi was made President of Congress Party which was seeing its all time low. Sonia Gandhi was able to infuse the confidence in congress cadre. Congress worker were seeing only hope in Gandhi family and they have been disillusioned by other congress leaders. The last power struggle in Congress which we witnessed was veto of Sharad Pawar against Sonia Gandhi. Bu he had to leave the party with leaders like PA Sangma. From 1999 the party runs around only Sonia Gandhi and there seems to be no ambition in other leaders to get the top post.

The dynasty rule within the Congress Party and no opposition to top leadership has few main resons. Firstly, there were so many promising leaders tried to challenge the family in past which includes attempt of  Sharad Pawar, PA Sangma, Rajesh Pilot and Jitendra Prasad against Sonia Gandhi. After so many failure to challenge the Gandhi in past has deterred the leaders to do so. The sycophancy has reached to its limit within party. Secondly, there is no mass leader who has a mass appeal to people of India other than Gandhis within Congress Party , all the good leaders are either regional leaders or not a mass leader at all. Unfortunately, Congress Party today runs around Gandhi family and will probably look the family to lead in future.It has truly become a dynastic heritage of Gandhi family.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

आम ही आम

राजनीति के बाजार में "आम ही आम" की sale लगी है। कुछ पंक्तियाँ प्रस्तुत हैं:

सर्दियों में आम की ऐसी न देखी कभी डिमांड,
अब तो सभी को चाहिए बस आम ही आम।
अमरुद, अंगूर और संतरे चाहे हो कोई सा नाम,
पर सभी को है पसंद तो केवल वो है आम।

गाड़ी, बंगला और लाल बत्ती का क्या है अब काम,

खास को भी बनना है सिर्फ आदमी आम।
पर बहुतों का हो गया है ये देखना एक काम ,
कहीं कोई खास न बन जाये जो कभी था आम।

राजनीति तो भैया है अपराधी और भ्रष्टचारी का काम,

कैसे कोई आ गया इसमें आदमी ये आम।
करते रहो नए नए दुष्प्रचार सुबह और शाम,
ढूँढो नए उपाय कि कैसे करें एक दूसरे को बदनाम।
भूल गए सब भ्रष्टाचार और घोटालों के कांड,
अब तो करना है एक दूसरे का काम तमाम।

यारों देश के लिए कुछ तो अच्छा भी करो काम,
कयों नहीं सब मिल के बनाते हैं इसका फिर वो नाम।
और अपनी तो एक चाहत बस इतनी सी है राम,
ना हो कोई खास और ना हो कोई आम।।

Sunday, January 26, 2014

मैं फिर जी लेना चाहता हूँ

कुछ पंक्तियाँ समर्पित है मेरे दोस्तों को और उन सभी लोगों को जो अपने हॉस्टल और कॉलेज के दिनों को याद करते हैं।

उन 4 सालों की यादों को, उन बेशकीमती लम्हो को,
उन अनगिनत रातो को, उन अनकही बातो को,
मैं फिर जी लेना चाहता हूँ।
चंद पल मैं ऐसे चाहता हूँ, मैं फिर जी लेना चाहता हूँ।

यारों से मिलना चाहता हूँ, गले लगाना चाहता हूँ,
संग उनके खेलना चाहता हूँ, खेल के झगड़ना चाहता हूँ,
वो तू तू मैं मैं चाहता हूँ, फिर गले लगाना चाहता हूँ,
चंद पल मैं ऐसे चाहता हूँ, मैं फिर जी लेना चाहता हूँ।

उन चाय के स्टॉलों में, उन गुमनाम आहतों में,
उन बेपरवाह कशों में, उन मदमस्त नशों में,
मैं फिर जी लेना चाहता हूँ।
चंद पल मैं ऐसे चाहता हूँ, मैं फिर जी लेना चाहता हूँ।

यारों से मिलना चाहता हूँ, मिल के हँसना चाहता हूँ,
हँस के पीना चाहता हूँ, पी के फिर रोना चाहता हूँ,
रो के फिर हँसना चाहता हूँ, हँस के फिर जीना चाहता हूँ।
चंद पल मैं ऐसे चाहता हूँ, मैं फिर जी लेना चाहता हूँ।

उस दीवानगी में, उस पागलपन में,
उस मस्ती में, उस उन्मुक्त गगन में,
मैं फिर जी लेना चाहता हूँ।
चंद पल मैं ऐसे चाहता हूँ, मैं फिर जी लेना चाहता हूँ।

Thursday, January 23, 2014

We the people


Why we the people, are so much divided on the basis of political party? If somebody from one party whom we don't follow, do something good, we would like to sit tight and not prefer to clap. But if somebody from that party does something wrong, we will start criticizing him to any extent. We do the same thing from a party which we support. We don't criticize the leaders for doing wrong, implementing wrong policies and try to defend him, but he does something small and do market that piece well, we follow him to spread that piece of work as if that is world's 8th wonder. 

 We the people, have so much power in the democracy. Why have we become follower of one party or one philosophy? For example, as a right wing follower one must oppose BJP's FDI policy. BJP has changed their stand on FDI just to oppose Congress. One must oppose the inclusion of people like Yedurappa in BJP. But we the people who follow BJP just want to follow what the leadership of this party says, not the actual philosophy of the party or not what one think is good for country. As a follower of AAP, one should protest the kind of drama they have done in name of protest against police. They should oppose the method of madness followed by the leadership of the party, unruly and unlawful behavior. 

We the people must not be follower of one particular party or leader. We the people are sentinel of democracy and judging these politicians and parties all the time and send them right signals. We don’t need to promote a particular political party but we should be promoting the idea of India. The true democracy relies on how vibrant and dynamic we, the people are.